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World at War: A Mortal Terror

A Mortal Terror (Billy Boyle #6) James R. Benn. 2011. 345 pages. [Source: Library] First sentence: K…

Jim Cox Features "Great First Impression Book Proposal" on his Library Bookwatch

The Great First Impression Book Proposal Subtitle: Everything You Need to Know About Selling Your Bo…

Blood on the River: James Town, 1607

Blood on the River. James Town 1607. Elisa Carbone. 2006. 237 pages. [Source: Library] First sentenc…

The Golden Tresses of the Dead

The Golden Tresses of the Dead (Flavia de Luce #10) Alan Bradley. 2019. 352 pages. [Source: Review …


Cecilia. Frances Burney. 1782. 1056 pages. [Source: Bought] First sentence: “Peace to the spirits of…

Victorian Check-In Post #5

What books for this challenge have you read (or reviewed) recently? What are you currently reading? A…